Neurotrain Logo – Intense logopedia and swallowing therapy
What is our goal?
The complex treatment of inappropriate swallowing and breathing patterns. Raising awareness to and development of the correct resting position of the tongue. Bringing ballance to the abnormally functioning muscles around the teeth (lip, cheek and tongue muscles).

Why is it important?
Improper functioning of the tongue, lips and the muscles around the mouth and mouth breathing creates muscular imballances. As a result of this differences can form in the teeth, the bite, the development of the jawbone and pallate and even in the function of the chewing joint. Sometimes it even affects speech in a negative way and leeds to a distorted pronounciation of sounds. Most often it also affects the neck and shoulder area which mainly translates into bad posture.
Who do we recommend this package to?
If a dentist, an orthodontist or perhaps some other specialist has called your attention to the problem or we experience the following symptoms ourselves or in our child:
- Scrambled, uneven teeth, biting disorders e.g.: an open bite, overbite, underbite (“bulldog” bite), crossbite, etc.
- A difference in distance between the upper and lower teeth.
- Orthodontics seems to have no or very little effect on the teeth.
- Teeth that have undergone orthodontic treatment realign into the undesired position.
- Grinding, clenching of the teeth (bruxism)
- The upper and lower jaw are disproportionate compared to each other e.g.: smaller-bigger, wider-narrower, recedes-protrudes, etc.
- Viewed from the side you often observe the head tilting forward and the mandible backward.
- Often with an open mouth, often even in a relaxed state paired with mouth breathing and dryness of the mouth.
- They often eat slower, during the munching and chewing you can observe a lot of unnecessary movement around the lips, e.g.: sucking in, biting of the lips.
- They make faces while swallowing, they suck in, press their lips together tightly or even stick out their tongue.
- When making certain sounds the tongue slides between the teeth. Therefore certain sounds become distorted, are pronounced with a tongue thrust.
- Hardly improving pronounciation, even after articulation therapy, because of untreated tongue thrust swallowing.
- Thumb sucking, using a pacifier, nail chewing, lip chewing, nibbling, sucking on blankets, plush toys, etc.
What the therapy consists of
The check up (60 minutes) is followed by a neuro-movement correction session, then nine 45 minute in-person meetings, once every week or two weeks. I plan what is to follow based on the results of the check up. The sessions always consist of practicing together and thorough training. This has to be followed by consistent at-home practice. To support the effective at-home training we provide numerous tools so that work can progress smoothly.
The neuro-movement correction session is led by a physiotherapist colleague. The aim of this is for your muscles and physiological processes to function harmoniously once again. Through this we prepare the muscles of the tongue, the jaw, the neck and around the shoulders to be more receptive to change. To find out more about this method, read about our move package.
With our complex approach we deal with the whole body during the therapy. Since the tongue thrust swallowing itself is a multi-factor problem, we do not just locally target the mouth and the tongue either. We give attention to the upper back, the neck area, the jaw. Movements which help relax these areas, aid the development of proper posture and support concentration are also part of the programme.
To support proper and stable nasal breathing we have integrated numerous exercises into the therapy. Our goal with these is to strengthen a deeper (diaphragm breathing), better functioning breathing pattern.
As far as it is needed, we also deal with improving speech sounds and articulation also integrating this into the time at our disposal.
In the last phase of development you can also learn the GOPex (Good Oral Posture) method which is meant to aid the automatisation of the already learnt proper functions with simple exercises that are easy to integrate into everyday life.
How does the Neurotrain Logo package differ from traditional logopedia?
Neurotrain Logo – Intense logopedia and swallowing therapy | Traditional logopedia | |
Holistic approach and therapy | ![]() | ![]() |
Movement | ![]() | ![]() |
Harmonious posture | ![]() | ![]() |
Breathing exercises | ![]() | ![]() |
Practice tools | ![]() | ![]() |
Neuro-movement correction | ![]() | ![]() |
GOPex training | ![]() | ![]() |
Worth of the Neurotrain Logo package
255 000 HUF
255 000 HUF
Check up: 25 000 HUF
Therapy: 230 000 HUF
- Health check (45-60 min)
- Tongue thrust swallowing therapy (9 occasion, 45 min)
- Neuro-movement-correction (60 min)

Contact us
Surgery hours:
Tuesday: 08:00-19:00 / Thursday: 13:30-19:00
Address: 1036 Budapest, Lajos utca 91. 3rd floor /1.
Phone: +36 1 306 78 46